Spring is perfect time for air conditioning maintenance

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air conditioning maintenance

Spring and fall are perfect times for an air conditioning maintenance check to take place. With warmer temperatures on the horizon, troubleshooting in the spring will help with savings in the summer.

If you are thinking about home maintenance this spring, then most companies like HomeSquad will conduct a HVAC repair service call that includes checking the thermostat settings, tightening all electrical connections and lubricating any moving parts. At the same time, searching for water damage from a plugged drain is also part of an inspection.

When it comes to air conditioning repair or maintenance, it is a good idea to clean the evaporator and coils. If these are dirty, then it can hinder the system and will decrease the efficiency of cooling your home. The refrigerant level should also be checked to see if there is an adequate amount. Sometimes an excess or too little can decrease the efficiency as well.

Blower components should be cleaned and adjusted to provide proper airflow that will provide a more comfortable setting. If blower components are dirty and air flow is restricted, then efficiency can be decreased by up to as much as 15% in most scenarios. In turn, this will raise your energy costs and it will put a strain on your system.

Proper maintenance is essential and you’ll reap the reward in the summer months when temperatures rise.